I'm terrible at conveying big news sometimes. I totally space out and forget and then I'll be like {GIANT GASP} "oh my god I FORGOT to tell you!" and whomever I'm talking to will think I just injured myself severely. So last Friday was like, the biggest bit of blog news in a while and I totally failed and neglected to share it here. If you're friends with me on facebook or a blood relative though, I trust you got my WAAAAAAAA!!!! WEEEEEEEE!!! posts and emails related to this.
A few months back I submitted my kitchen for a kitchen tour over on thekitchn.com. Which is, let me just say, probably my very favorite recipe source and online community for home cooks. After some delays, because they were doing their annual Small Cool Kitchens contest and posting contributor's kitchens, they ran my full Kitchen Tour on Friday! See it HERE.
So the Porky kitchen, in its full glory, as photographed by myself and my bosomest bud, Aja Amontea, was full blown featured on my very favorite blog. I'm not going to lie, I cried a little bit. Faith's write up about why I love my kitchen was so poignant and right on and because being in that space, cooking for myself and the people I love is so very important to me, it seriously made me ferclempt.
So check out our tour. I hope you enjoy it 1/100th as much as I did!
Also, speaking of people I love and good news on Fridays, two Fridays ago, actually for the whole length of the weekend, was the EP release celebration of Paul's band's second EP, Something Evil Something Something Bananas (I know. They are a stone cold pack of weirdos and I love them so much).
This music was something I heard from the beginning as Paul would come home from the practice space on Saturday afternoons and share with me an edit of the latest track and then when I heard it in full, I was so so proud of him, of them and what they had produced.
The boys came up with an insanely clever marketing plan for the release of their EP. They knew they didn't want to press a bunch of CDs because these days, who really buys CDs anymore? Tom, the guitarist, works at this really cool tavern up in Charlestown and as a result has become pretty tight with the two guys that run Fisherman's Brewery, which is in Gloucester.
Together with the Tavern, and the fellows from the brewery, Paul and the boys decided that they would release the EP as a special brew and put a download code on the side of each bottle. So in other words, this latest release is drinkable. You can drink your beer and then use your smartphone or computer to go to band camp and enter the code to download the album. Rock and roll in the digital age. What WILL they think of next?! I thought the whole thing was pretty rad, myself. Here is the link, if you're so inclined.
It's a very special thing to watch the person you love do the thing that they love and watching the shows to celebrate last Friday and Saturday night was the most fun I've had in a long time.
I promise next time we have two banner weeks, twice in a row, that I won't sleep on sharing the details here.
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